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The East Allen Courier is a weekly newspaper with a circulation of over 7300. The free circulation is approximately a ten-mile radius from Grabill which includes all addresses of Grabill, Harlan, Leo-Cedarville, Spencerville and Woodburn.
Estimated at as many as 30,000 readers.

The current East Allen Courier is available each week on Tuesdays.


Free subscription for all residents with a city address in Grabill, Harlan, Leo-Cedarville, Spencerville and Woodburn. Outside these cities, yearly subscriptions are $45.00 for Allen County and adjoining counties and $55.00 for all others.

Deadline icon


The East Allen Courier is mailed every Monday, unless it is a holiday, with submission deadlines the previous Thursday by 5:00pm EST.

News Icon


News articles supplied by the readers are published at no cost.
Use the submission form below or contact us by email/phone at the contact page.

Inserts icon

Have inserts?

Pre-printed inserts can be inserted into the EAC. All inserts must be delivered to Courier Printing by the Friday prior to mailing on Monday.

Costs are 8¢ to 10¢ each pending on weight and size. Inserts must be 8½" x 11" or smaller at final size.



Submitting an obituary is $35 for 350 words or less. $40 with picture included.


Classified ads are priced at a minimum charge of $10 for 25 words or less, and 10¢ for each additional word. *$1 surcharge if paying by credit card.


Display Ads: $8 per column inch.
Front Page Ads: $12 per column inch.


Add full color to your add for $75 extra.

newspaper collage


When supplying Ad Artwork, please use the size layout referred below. *Add'l charges may apply if adjustment is necessary.

1 Column 1.5625" x L 2 Columns 3.3125" x L 3 Column 5.0625" x L
4 Columns 6.8125" x L 5 Columns 8.5625" x L 6 Columns 10.3125" x L
Paper icon

Rate Breakdown

For representation of size, click on image. Prices are based on "Display Ads." Add $5 per column inch for front page advertising.

PDF of 1 and 2 colummn sizes
1 & 2 Column Pricing

1 Column (1.5625) X 2" - $16
1 Column (1.5625) X 4" - $32
1 Column (1.5625) X 6" - $48
2 Columns (3.3125) X 2" - $32
2 Columns (3.3125) X 3" - $48
2 Columns (3.3125) X 4" - $64
2 Columns (3.3125) X 6" - $96

PDF of 3 column sizes
3 Column Pricing

3 Columns (5.0625) X 4" - $96
3 Columns (5.0625) X 6" - $144

¼ Page
3 Columns (5.0625) X 8" - $192

PDF of half and full sizes
Half & Full Page

Half Page
6 Columns (10.3125) X 8" - $384

Full Page
6 Columns (10.3125) X 16" - $475 w/Camera Ready art.
($293 Savings! Reg Price $768)
$500 with Design

Ad / Article Submission

We'll never share your email with anyone else.
If placing an article, you can leave this blank. If unsure exactly what ad size you need, we will be happy to work with you to find the best size and price.
.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .tiff, .svg, .doc, .docx, and .zip permitted.
Max size 20 megs. If larger, please contact courier for dropbox options.

Payments are not made directly on the website. We will contact you after your Ad Submission is placed and reviewed.

Your message has been sent. Thank you!

What can we do for you?

Specializing in commercial offset and digital printing solutions, we look forward to helping you with your project from start to finish.